maroon bias-cut velvet pinstripe suit

emilie's knitting/costuming blog

Monday, January 30, 2006


i finally got around to processing the photos i've taken of all the projects i've finished since the beginning of last semester. and i did quiet a bit of knitting. ^_^

i made the penguin from knitty for a friend. she's likes penguins. ^_^ here are all the pieces.
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and a few days later, i sewed her together, stuffed her, and took a good look at her.
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pretty cute, ne?

i also finished dave's tie. it's too floppy and the seam i put up the center is too tight, but it's shiny. @_@
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but i must say, the piece i'm most happy with is the scarf for my mom. i used some of the silk dave brough back from china and i worked a modified version of branching out from knitty. since the panels i made were so small (two and a half inches), and i'm obsessed with symetry, i decided to put two panels together, with the leaves going in both directions. i word the panels seperately, then sewed up the center. i'm especially happy with the seaming. i can't tell that it's sewn. when you hold it up, the center is more solid than the rest of the scarf, but you can't see a seam. and it's just gorgeous.
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and here's a close up. ^_^
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it just has the most wonderful weight. it drapes beautifully. and it's so shiny. and soft. i like petting it. ^_^ and my mom says that she always gets compliments when she wears it. ^_^ her therapist was very impressed.

in other news, i have a fish! it's a school experiment. i have to give him back in three weeks, but for now, i have a very pretty little friend. ^_^