maroon bias-cut velvet pinstripe suit

emilie's knitting/costuming blog

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


dave.gloves frogged.


i decided that the fabric was too lose and holey. and they were too big for dave. i'm reknitting them on the same needles, though, and the fabric is looking much better. i think it was just all the lace knitting i'd been doing that was throwing me off. and i've decided to change the pattern slightly, since the first re-re-re-knit attempt was too small, by adding a closure. it's worked flat now, up until the thumb gusset. i'll have to knot buttons and add loops, but it should look particularly swanky. and i've decreased the size of the seed stitch band. looks much finer now.

so, notes!

long tail cast on seventy three stitch
r 1(ws): k1, p1 to end
r 2: k1, p1 to end
r 3 and 5: k1, p1, p3; k1, p1 to end
r 4 and 6: k1, p1 to 5 sts from end, k3, k1, p1
r 7 and 9: k1, p1 to end
r 8: k1, p1 to end
r 10: k to last st, yf, sl st
r 11, 13, 15: k1tbl, p to last st, sl st
r 12, 14, 16: k1tbl, k to last st, yf, sl st

r 17: k1tbl, knitting onto dpns (18 - 18 - 18 - 19)
join, pass unknit last stitch of r 8 to needle 1
r 18: k2tog(last st of r8 and first sts of r9), k2, m1t, k 38 sts, m1a, k2, m1t, k to end
r 19, 21, 23, 25 - 43: k to last increase, m1a, k to end
r 20, 22, 24: k to last increase m1a, k to pair of increase, m1t, k 4(6, 8), m1a, k to end

this is an increase of 34 sts - 8 in the side gusset and 26 for the thumb.